Module 1: Swimsuit University

In this module we'll cover how to optimize fat burn during the Swimsuit Stage: 

Why H.I.I.T. may not be the best exercise for you when you're in Sweatpants
Hormones or Calories? Which should you focus on while in the Sweatpants stage?
What is "Easy Fat" and how do you access and burn it?
Why walking is Sweatpant's best friend
The psychology of the Sweatpants stage
What to look out for when in the Sweatpants stage to avoid being derailed

Sweatpants University

Sweatpants Introduction

The Calorie-Hormone Curve

Your Diet in Sweatpants

Your Habits In Sweatpants

Your Exercise In Sweatpants

Your Willpower In Sweatpants

Your Psychology In Sweatpants

Your Confidence In Sweatpants

Sweatpants Summary

The Mini-Habits For The Sweatpants

Sweatpants To Swimsuit Support

Skinny-Jeans University

Skinny-Jeans Introduction

Your Fat in Skinny-Jeans

The Two Signals You Must Send

Your Metabolism In Skinny-Jeans

Your Diet In Skinny-Jeans

Your Exercise In Skinny-Jeans

Your Psychology In Skinny-Jeans

The Mini-Habits For The Skinny-Jeans

Swimsuit University

Swimsuit Introduction

Your Metabolism In a Swimsuit

Your Diet In a Swimsuit

Your Fat In a Swimsuit

Your Exercise In a Swimsuit

Your Psychology In a Swimsuit

The Mini-Habits For The Swimsuit Stage


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