Welcome to the Roadmap To Results Masterclass


The Roadmap to Real Results is a three stage plan for building a lifestyle that leads to permanent results. 

Starting with the PREP Phase, you prepare for your journey and set yourself up for success. Then we move into the EDD phase, which stands for EVERY DAMN DAY. This is where we'll master the foundational habits that will carry you through the journey. Finally we'll finish in the IT Phase, which stands for iterate and accelerate. 

Roadmap To Real Results Introduction

PREP PHASE: Metabolic KPIs

PREP PHASE: Vision & Obstacles

PREP PHASE: Transformation Plan

EDD PHASE: Introduction

EDD PHASE: The Core 4

EDD PHASE: The Every Damn Day Diet Plan

EDD PHASE: The Minimum Viable Exercise Plan

IT PHASE: Introduction

IT PHASE: Metabolic Exercise Plan

IT PHASE: Metabolic Fasting Plan

IT PHASE: Muscle Growth and Retention Introduction

IT PHASE: Why Muscle is Critical

IT PHASE: Should I Do Conventional Resistance Training?

IT PHASE: Building Your Muscle Growth and Retention Plan

IT PHASE: The SHOW Workout

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