Skinny-Jeans University

The Skinny-Jeans Habit Plan

Criteria For Sweatpants Stage

These are common criteria that may mean you're in the Skinny-Jeans stage. This stage is characterized by the "Resistant Fat" and follows the easier weight loss seen at the start of a lifestyle program.

Within weeks to months of starting your lifestyle shift, you run into a metabolic brick wall where the actions that produced weight loss no longer appear to be working anymore
You feel more confident in clothes, but you don't yet feel confident in a swimsuit. This is the most common stage where people go diet-hopping in search of a way to burn fat without too much effort.
Although you may have seen results with exercise in the past without major changes to your diet, that approach no longer works.
At this stage, low-carb diets generally work better. So if you tried low-carb during this stage and noticed weight loss (even if you couldn't stick with it) you are likely in the Skinny-Jeans stage.
You're not even close to your fat loss and fitness goals yet but you've made strides towards your goals, people are noticing you have lost weight, but it ain't coming off as easy anymore.

Level 1 Habits:

2 Liters of water
1 fish oil capsule (or a vegan equivilent)
Two 30-minute interval-walking sessions per week (alternating between walking slow and fast)
30-minute leisure walking 4-5 days per week
3 Core Meals Per Day - Two ā€œNume Mealsā€ & One ā€œOlme Mealā€ per day
Up to 2 "super snacks" daily
Skip snack between breakfast and lunch
3-Hour fast before bed

Level 2 Habits:

2 Liters of water
1 fish oil capsule (or a vegan equivilent)
[CHANGE] Two HIIT or Metabolic Resistance Training Sessions per week
30-minute leisure walking 4-5 days per week
3 Core Meals Per Day - Two ā€œNume Mealsā€ & One ā€œOlme Mealā€ per day
Up to 2 "super snacks" daily
Skip snack between breakfast and lunch
3-Hour fast before bed

Level 3 Habits:

2 Liters of water
1 fish oil capsule (or a vegan equivilent)
[CHANGE] Three HIIT or Metabolic Resistance Training Sessions per week
30-minute leisure walking 4-5 days per week
3 Core Meals Per Day - Two ā€œNume Mealsā€ & One ā€œOlme Mealā€ per day
Up to 2 "super snacks" daily
Skip snack between breakfast and lunch
3-Hour fast before bed
Go to bed 15-30 minutes earlier to achieve 7.5 hours per night

Lesson overview

These are the three levels of habit-change within the Skinny-jeans stage. 

Sweatpants Podcast

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Skinny-Jeans Podcast

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